We began our week having fun with ghosts!! We did an experiment involving spinning ghosts. The children voted on which ghost they thought would spin. We counted and compared the numbers. Then the class discovered that the ghost with the paper clip and arms folded in opposite directions was the one that spun! Each child brought a ghost home. Try holding the ghost from different heights and letting it go to watch it spin. We also painted ghosts, named them and read the word BOO. After reading, Ghost's Dinner, we played with different colored water using ice trays and pipettes, matched ghosts feeling cards, sat and spun on the sit and spins like spinning ghosts and colored ghosts using different colored crayons just like in the story. We also played with shaving cream to make ghosts. In addition, we answered questions from our story. During gym, we built a ghost pyramid and the kids rolled into it to knock it down. (sensory, fine motor, gross motor, letter recognition and formation)
We used spider rings to practice positional concepts. In addition, we used play-doh and spaghetti noodles to string spider rings. The sensory table contained water beads and googly eyes for a slimy and wet sensory experience! In addition, we cut cooked green noodles! We also signed in to what we liked the best.....bats, ghosts or spiders. We then counted and compared the numbers. (recognizing numbers, comparing, matching, sensory, fine motor, positional concepts)
We then talked about skeletons and answered questions from our story. It was fun to put together a large skeleton puzzle. We made our HWOT letters out of bones (Q tips), counted bones (Q-tips), and connected bones ( PCV pipes). We learned some important facts about bones such as they are used to support our body, milk is good for our bones, and our earlobes do not have bones. (problem solving, letter and number recognition, one to one counting, answering questions, confident behavior)
Thursday we talked about monsters. We sorted colored eyes, colored a monster, threw beanbags at the monster from our book and created monsters with play-doh and dried food. Each student can made a monster by squirting paint on paper then folding it in half. We discovered some cool monsters as we opened up the paper. Next week, we will add eyes and the students can dictate what the monster will eat based on the book,
There Was An Old Monster Who Swallowed A Tick.
Our letter of the week was U. We went over the sound and things that begin with this letter. As we made this letter and all the other letters we focus on starting our letters at the top! The students traced this letter as we watched our video about the letter U!
Our 2nd Steps lesson focused on the feelings of being sad, scared and angry. We discussed when our friends feel that way we can go to the them and see if we can help therm.
Questions to Ask Your Child?
What color did the ghosts turn in The Ghost's Dinner? (all kinds of colors based on the food they ate)
What does B-O-O spell?
What is your favorite? (bats, spiders or pumpkins)
Are ghosts and monsters real or make believe?
Books We Read:
Skeleton Hiccups
There Was an Old Monster Who Swallowed a Tick
Go Away, Big Green Monster
Ghost's Dinner
10/27 Magic House Halloween Party 6-8pm Saturday night
10/30 Theis Pumpkin Patch Field Trip -meet at the patch at 9:30. Do not come to school before this.
10/31 Wear your costume to school. No masks and please wear gym shoes for playing outside
11/5 No School Professional Development Day
Next Week: More Halloween!
Things to work on:
Continue working on self help skills. (putting coat on, fixing sleeves and zipping)
Look at this monster! |
Painting ghosts by using a spoon to paint them, then folding the paper over and rubbing it to discover our silly monsters. |
We threw beanbags at the monster in our book, Go Away, Big, Green Monster. |
Making our monsters! |
The district was celebrating "We Belong Day!" We colored the"We Belong" paper for our lanyards. |
Show and Tell |
Art Class |
Rolling to knock the ghosts out of the way. |
Show and Tell |
Show and Tell |
Show and Tell |
We built skeletons!! |
Put 5 bones on in addition to what you have already. |
Shaving cream |
Water beads in the sensory table. |
Using bones (q-tips) to make our HWOT letters. |
Working together to build the skeleton. |
We all added pieces to complete our skeleton. |
Fun with little pumpkins in music class. |
We watched the skeleton dance during snack time. |
Which ghost spins? |
Tornado drill |
Earthquake drill |
Noodles, playdoh and spider rings. |
We painted a ghost then will add eyes, the word BOO and name our ghost next week. |
Spinning ghosts! |
Based on our book, we colored our ghosts different colors. |
Matching ghosts feeling faces. |
Colored water and pipettes based onour book about the ghosts. |
Everybody loved cutting the green noodles! |
We also matched shapes to the correct one on the pumpkin! |
We practiced positional concepts with spider rings. |
Using tangrams to make a pumpkin. |
We traced spider webs. |