We had such a great week learning about turkeys and Thanksgiving! We learned some facts about turkeys, and brainstormed different foods eaten for Thanksgiving meals. The hippos enjoyed doing movements to a jingle about the different foods we eat at Thanksgiving. During the week we made turkeys out of play-doh, counted feathers (clothespins) and put them on the turkey, painted turkeys using a fork, added feathers to a strainer, went on a turkey number hunt, rolled a dice and stamped that many dots to make our turkey feathers colorful, practiced positional concepts with turkeys, used clips to make feathers, worked on comprehension by answering questions about our books, sequenced events in a story, and cut out feathers and wrote what we are thankful for on them. Our dramatic play center became a fall feast with bowls, Thanksgiving food, utensils, turkey plates, aprons, etc. We voted by recognizing our names on our favorite Thanksgiving foods. We then compared numbers. (fine motor, gross motor, counting, recognizing numbers, sequencing, positional concepts, taking turns, resolving conflicts if they arise)
A BIG THANK YOU for sending in canned food. We discussed how some people do not have enough food and our donations would help those in need. Our class showed kindness for others by helping those less fortunate than ourselves. We used these cans to count, add on, recognize numbers, match, shake, predict, weigh, sort, measure, compare, roll, build and discuss the similarities and differences between the cans.
Our letter was G this week. We built it with our strips, went over the sound and thought of things that start with the letter G. We practiced making our HWOT letters using wooden pieces!
After we read, The Thankful Book, we each took a turn telling the group what we are thankful for. We also recorded in our journal who we are thankful for and drew a picture. (using language, voice volume, confident behavior, contributing as a member of a group, respectful behaviors, drawing a self-portrait)
Books Read:
Stone Soup (We used props to enhance comprehension and sequencing)
Bear Says Thanks
The Thankful Book
Questions to Ask:
1. Does a wild turkey fly? (yes, turkeys in the wild can for short distances.
2. Can a farm turkey fly? (no, they are too big)
3. Where are turkeys raised? (on a farm)
4. Who did we give the soup cans to? (those who don't have enough food)
5. What did you do with the cans during center time? (rolled them, shook them, counted, weighed, built, compared them, and more)
6. What do you like to eat on Thanksgiving?
*Thanksgiving Break- no school 11/27-12/2
*Return to school 12/3
Turkey heads! |
Turkey number hunt in the hallway. |
Strengthening finger muscles by adding clothes pin feathers to the turkey. |
The hippos experimented rolling the canned goods and building with them. |
We made turkeys using strainers and feathers. |
We drew a picture of who we are thankful for. |
Art party! |
Freeze game! |
We practiced positional concepts with little turkeys. |
We built with Lincoln logs. |
Show and Tell |
Show and Tell |
Show and Tell |
Dramatic play turned into a Thanksgiving feast. |
Making turkeys with tangram blocks. |
We made turkeys out of playdoh, feathers, pipe cleaners and googly eyes! |
We painted turkeys using forks. |
We weighed the cans we collected. |
Music fun with the drums! |
Teamwork!! |
We cut out a feather then told our teachers what we are thankful for. |
Roll a dice and dot that many feathers. |
The kids used the props in our story, Stone Soup. |
Turkey Head! |
We counted the number of clothes pins to match the number on the turkey! |
We all had fun experimenting with the magnets. |
We counted the cans you brought in each day. |