This week we had fun with gingerbread activities! We read many books, sang chants, and made a gingerbread man cookie, After we made our gingerbread cookie, we put it in the oven then set a timer. When we came back for the gingerbread man, we opened the oven and he was gone! He left us lots of clues for our hunt and we finally found him in the office. Back in the room we practiced our manners as we were given our gingerbread man to eat. We then took a vote on who liked the taste of the gingerbread and who did not like it.
During our gym time, the hippos ran, walked, jumped, and tip toed as they pretended to be a gingerbread man. We had to listen to do these movements slowly or fast. The students then did different movements based on our books. For example, when they heard the word fox, the students swam with their arms. When they heard the words old lady, they made a bowl with their arms and stirred the dough. This game worked on listening and memory.
Our letter this week was the letter D for duck!! We practiced making the D sound and thinking of other words that begin with the letter D.
Our dramatic play area turned into a kitchen with gingerbread men, pans, an oven, plates, oven mitts, aprons, etc. The students enjoyed pretending!
Learning goals this week:
- fine motor practice-cutting, art, manipulatives, writing name, dot to dots, stencils
- cutting out paper chains
- making decisions independently
- answering questions from the different stories
- comparing books read in class by questioning/same/different
- putting gingerbread men in numerical order and by size
- working together to solve problems
- gross motor
- playdough with cookie cutters, gingerbread man sheets, and items to complete the gingerbread man
- counting, recognizing numbers, and matching # to quantity
- sensory tub with flour, cinnamon, measuring spoons and cups
- reinforcing our character word, "Caring"
- turning our arch into a gingerbread house
- practicing positional concepts with our names and gingerbread men
- making gingerbread houses with blocks and magna tiles
- making our own gingerbread man and lemon drop
- Journal-Where would your gingerbread man run to??? (making representational pictures)
Books Read this Week and Next WeekThe Gingerbread Boy
The Gingerbread BearThe Gingerbread Goes Animal CrackersThe Gingerbread Man Loose at the Firetruck
Questions to ask:
1. What happened to the gingerbread man we made at school? (he ran away)
2. Where did we go to look for him? (the nurse's office, the cafeteria and the big colorful tree in the hallway)
3. Where did we find him? (in the office)
4. In the book, The Gingerbread Goes Animal Crackers, how did the animal crackers get rid of the fox so not to be eaten? Did they whisper or roar in his ear? (roar)
5. Did you like the taste of the gingerbread man we ate in class?
*Winter Break 12/20-1/6
*School resumes Tuesday, January 7th
Fun Party!! |
Gingerbread man says......swim like a fox...swim slow, swim fast. |
Art party! |
The students practiced recognizing their names, then listening to where to place it. For example, place your name: beside, between, in front of below, above, and behind the gingerbread man. |
Happy Birthday, Meklit! |
Building homes for the gingerbread people. |
We decorated our arch into a gingerbread house! |
We decorated gingerbread men for our arch! |
Playdoh and gingerbread men. |
We practiced our cutting skills by cutting wrapping paper. |
Journal: Where would your gingerbread man run to? |
We went on a gingerbread hunt and found him in the office! |
The gingerbread man left us a clue at the big colorful tree. |
He left another clue in the cafeteria. |
He left another clue in the nurses office. |
He jumped out of the over and left us a clue! |
Here is when we put the gingerbread in the oven. |
Teamwork to finish this gingerbread puzzle. |
We played a gingerbread letter matching game using a gingerbread chant! |
Music fun! |
My daughter, Danielle, came to visit and helped Ms. Li out! |
Each child had a turn pressing down the dough to form our gingerbread man. |
Tracing the map of the gingerbread man. |
Stringing ABC letters. |
Happy Birthday, Adam! |
We rolled the dice, counted the dots and found the number of the gingerbread man. We placed a bear on the number. |
Making gingerbread houses. |
We cut lemon drops and sprinkled glitter on them. |
Our dramatic play area turned into a gingerbread bakery. The students baked gingerbread man and served the cookies to each other. |
Our sensory table contained flour, cups and cookie cutters. |
The students enjoyed building with colorful little legos! |
We put gingerbread men in numerical order. |
We cut out strips to make a chain to add to our gingerbread home. |