Thursday, April 4, 2024


Our hippos had a wonderful week immersing themselves in the world of ROBOTS!  This week we....

*  Focused on fine motor strengthening activities 
*  Went over the letter Y, it's sound and items that began with Y, we also practiced X
*  Discussed what we already knew about robots and how we power them
*  Asked questions and made predictions about our robot books
* We worked on taking turns and using our words when problems arise
*  We made decisions independently when making the different robots during center time
*  Discussed feelings of characters and why they felt that way in our book, Robot Rumpus
*  Explored with gears that connect and move
*  Explored with magnets in the sensory table
*  Enjoyed building robots with little legos
*  Put little nuts and bolts in robot parmesan containers
*  Sorted nuts and bolts
*  Played with alphabots and snapbots
*  Opened and closed locks with keys
*  Recalled details of stories read in class
*  Played a robot matching game from Robot Rumpus book
*  Used nuts, bolts, washers, paper clips, googlie eyes and pipe cleaners to make robots in playdoh
*  Created a giant class robot using various recycled materials!
* Thought of words that rhymed with ROBOT.
* Wrote in our journals about what our special power would have if we were robots.
* Stomped on cups and water bottles based on the book, Smash Bot
* Pretended to be a broom bot by painting with brooms
*Watched Ms. Ginny's real robot dance, his name is Mip

Next Week  More Robots!!

Books We Read
Pete the Cat: Robo-Pete
Robot Rumpus
If You're A Robot and You Know It
Smash Bot

Questions to ask your child:
1.  What materials did you use to build our giant class robot? (boxes, lids, water bottles, etc.)
2.  What letter does robot start with?
3.  What special thing did Ms. Ginny's robot do? (danced to music, whistled)
4.  In the book Robot Rumpus, what did cook-bot put in the bathtub? (spaghetti)
5.  How do you power robots? (plug them into outlet, batteries)
6.  What word rhymes with robot or bot?
7. What did we smash in the gym based on our Smash Bot book? (cups and water bottles)
8. What did we have to do to get Mip the robot to dance? (clap our hands)

I am a robot (monotone voice the whole time with arms moving back and forth)
I am a robot
Clank, Clank (bend body forward)
Clank, Clank (move body back to upright position)
Zzzrt, Zzzrt!  (one arm moves up by head, the other hand moves up by head)
Zzzrt, Zzzrt! (one arm moves back next to body, then the same with the other arm)
Clap, Bang, Crash! (clap hands, begin to run out of power and hang arms and head down)
Zzzrt..zzzrt...zzrt! Power is coming back! (put body in upright position)

4/13 Family Garden Day 9-11
4/15 and 4/17-parent teacher conferences
4/18 Spring Fling
4/20 Passport day 10-12 at LECC

We are excited to share the photos of the hippos having fun with ROBOTS this week!
We also finished up our desert unit. 

Journal-What would you take on your trip to the desert?

We enjoyed being a robot!

Music fun!

Robot fun!

We wrote the letter R then made it into a robot!

We colored our book about the desert. 

We made robots out of screws, pipe cleaners, googly eyes,
paper clips and playdoh.

Everyone had the chance to hold Mip the robot!

Mip is in the middle of the carpet dancing!

R for Robot!

The class helped pattern the robots! We made 
4 different types of patterns.

It was fun to make flowers in art class!

We read Smash Bot  in gym class.

We then smashed cups.......

....then smashed water bottles with our hands!

After reading Robot Rompus, we painted with brooms
like Broom Bot did! It was fun to make green with yellow and blue paint.

We weighed the screws and put them into parmesan cheese cans.
The cans had pictures of robots on them. 

Robots at our writing center.

All the hippos enjoyed playing a memory game with
the robot rumpus cards.

It was fun to make robots with these magnet blocks!

During journal time we drew pictures about what our special power would be if we were a robot!

Happy Birthday, Rowan!

We traced and filled in a saguaro cactus with our finger on
sand paper.

We rolled the dice and put that many spines in the saguaro cactus.

Happy Birthday, Drew!

Hugo was the sun during music class.

The rest of the hippos were the flowers.

It was fun to make a class robot out of recycled materials.

Look at my robot!

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Making the letter X with pipe cleaners and sand trays!

We added pictures to our cactus paintings!

We also made adobe houses.

Brie helped us make a barrel cactus with playdoh and spines. (pipe cleaners)

We played with playdoh and spines (toothpicks)