Saturday, March 2, 2024

Dinosaurs Continued....

We had a wonderful time learning about more dinosaurs  - Triceratops, T-Rex, Apatosaurus, Velociraptor and more.  We created dinosaur fossils with model magic and pretended to be paleontologists as we uncovered bones in sand trays! We used sifters and brushes to discover the bones.  During center time we made dinosaur stew by counting the items on recipe cards and adding the ingredients to the pot!  Items included eggs, fossils, bones, dinosaurs, and leaves.  We answered questions about the stories we read in class! We signed in to which dinosaur we liked the best then compared the numbers! In addition, we went on a dinosaur letter hunt! (goals: counting, number recognition, following directions, sensory, participating as a member of a group, recognizing letters, answering questions)

The hippos had fun predicting how many of our shoes would fit inside the footprint of a T-Rex.  We then took our shoes off and put them inside a taped T-Rex footprint and counted them.  Thirty nine shoes fit inside! Our letter of the week was N for nose and Neil. We made last week's letter (M) using dinosaur bones (q-tips).  After reading If The Dinosaurs Came Back we answered this question in our journals.  At large group time, we sorted dinosaurs into 3 groups- herbivores, carnivores and omnivores!  We also sorted them by how many feet they had and how big they were. During center time, we  played dinosaur memory, built dinosaurs, discovered an apatosaurus using water colors, cut out a T-Rex tooth, gave a T-Rex teeth using clothespins, decorated a triceratops, excavated dinosaur bones, patterned/sorted dinosaurs, used ice pics to get them out of ice, made our own dinosaur skeleton with q-tips, and  put a variety of dinosaur puzzles together.  Everyone enjoyed watching a volcano erupt! Using baking soda, vinegar and red food coloring, we simulated a volcano erupting!  We also learned to get orange lava, we mixed red and yellow food coloring! Since we had so much fun, we did the experiment over and over again with using red, yellow and making orange food coloring. We also enjoyed playing a thumbs up thumbs down game with what we learned about dinosaurs. (goals: sorting, patterning, fine motor, listening behaviors, making decisions independently)

During our gross motor time we pretended to be different dinosaurs.  We then did the actions to the Dino Hokey Pokey song!  We were different dinosaurs as we walked the hallway going to our specials and the bathroom! (gross motor, following directions) During our 2nd steps lesson, we learned about different ways to play with others.  Sammy and Susie decided to make a trade with their toys so that they could each have a turn with a particular toy. 

Next week:

Books We Read:
If The Dinosaurs Came Back
Dinosaurs Are Everywhere
How Do Dinosuars say, "I'm Mad?"
Dinosaurs Don't Eat Their Classmates
How Do Dinosaurs Choose Their Pets?
Storybot videos about T-Rex, Apatosaurus, Velociraptors

Questions to Ask:
1. Was T-Rex fast or slow? (slow)
2. Could T-Rex bring his hands together or reach his mouth? (no)
3. Was Apatosaurus a plant eater? (yes) 
4. What does a paleontologist do? (finds fossils)
5. What is your favorite dinosaur?
6. How many horns does a triceratops have? (3)
7. What did you learn about dinosaurs?
8. Do carnivores eat meat or plants? (meat)
9. Do herbivores eat meat or plants? (plants)

3/4 Send in a shoebox with 5 rocks for our rock unit-Monday
3/15-3/22 Spring Break
4/18 Spring Fling
4/20 Passport day 10-12 at LECC

We separated dinosaurs into what they ate.
(herbivores, carnivores and omnivores)

We used dinosaur bones (q-tips) to make the letter M.

We made dinosaur stew by following a recipe card
and counting that many objects.

We matched tangram blocks to make dinosaurs.

Dinosaur hunt in the classroom.

Everyone added eyes, spikes, legs, bushes and trees 
and much, much more to their stegosaurus picture!

We were paleontologists digging for bones using sifters
and brushes!

The hippos decorated triceratops and we use noodles to make his horns!

Matching dinosaur numbers.

Each student practiced scissor skills when
cutting this T-Rex tooth out!

Such fun to use drum sticks in music class.

The students picked a dinosaur head then made the skeleton
of that dinosaur.

Look how many teeth T-Rex has!
We used clothespins as teeth! A great way
to strengthen finger muscles.

Here is our dinosaur bulletin board. The rest of the 
art work is displayed in our room!

During art we drew pictures inside the border we made last week.

Dinosaur matching bingo with Ms. Brie.

We patterned dinosaurs by following the dinosaur pattern
card and deciding what would come next.

We were paleontologists using hammers and chisels
to get the dinosaurs out of the ice cubes.

We used watercolors to discover Apatosaurus.

The students loved finding bones using tongs!

Evelyn's dinosaur fact.

We went on a volcano letter hunt in the hallway.
We went over the sound and words that began with that letter.

Look what we did together!

Journal-If the dinosaurs came back they would......

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

39 shoes fit in one T-Rex footprint!


Look, I got a dinosaur out!

The hippos loved seeing the volcano erupt!!

We each held on to yarn.  The length of this yarn was the length of an Apatosaurus.