Thursday, February 22, 2024

Diving Into Dinosaurs!

Hello everyone!  This week we went back in time to the dinosaur age! We began the week by reading the facts the students brought from home!  Each student enjoyed coming up in front of the class to share his/her dinosaur fact! Boy, did we learn some cool facts about dinosaurs.  On Tuesday, we looked at pictures of a dinosaur habitat and compared it to our habitat.  We then sorted pictures of the dinosaur habitat and our habitat. During center time we constructed our class dinosaur habitat out of all kinds of recycled materials including cardboard, tissue, paper towel tubes, tins, cups, and much more! After the habitat was completed we brought in the dinosaurs and enjoyed pretending and playing with our friends!   Our arch turned into a volcano and the students became paleontologists with clip boards, backpacks, water bottles and of course, more dinosaurs! The students had a dinosaur sheet on the clipboard and their job was to find the dinosaurs in the classroom!  Ms. Ginny brought in her real lava rocks!!  We discussed how hot lava cools and gets hard to make lava rocks. (goals-participating as a member of a group, confident behaviors, fine motor, making decisions independently, sorting, voice volume)

On Wednesday we learned plant eaters are herbivores and meat eaters are carnivores.  Some dinosaurs are omnivores that eat both plants and meat.  The hippos enjoyed learning facts about the stegosaurus from our poster, book and our video.  Everyone had fun singing our dinosaur song by Laurie Berkner and pretending to be different dinosaurs during transitions. Our letter of the week was M for moon, mom, mouse. We went over the sound and words that begin with this letter.  Next week we will construct it with dinosaur bones (q-tips).  We made the stegosaurus out of our handprint and will add a tail, legs, spikes, a face and its habitat next week.  In addition, we put boney plates on a stegosaurus using clothespins.  We had to put the boney plates on in numerical order. We also put dinosaurs puzzles together by placing the pieces in numerical order. (recognizing numbers, fine motor, sequencing numbers, letter recognition, sensory, following 2 step directions)

The hippos signed in to the question, "Do you want the dinosaurs to come back?" Yes or No.  During group time we learned about fossils.  Paleontologists dig for fossils!  After reading a book, watching a video of paleontologists finding fossils and showing pictures of paleontologists, the students had fun making their own fossils with model magic!  The hippos also loved painting with dinosaur feet.  In addition, students matched dinosaur skeletons to the correct dinosaur and made fossils (penne noodles) in playdoh! During gym we practiced walking with dinosaur feet, did dinosaur yoga and pretended to be different dinosaurs.  (fine and gross motor, answering questions, counting and comparing numbers)

Your child may have mentioned the term "WOW" words.  These are words that are for older kids!  We talk about what they mean and repeat the word after the teacher.  Our "WOW" words this week included: habitat, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore and extinct.  We will focus on these words more next week!

Our 2nd steps lesson focused on waiting.  Sometimes it is hard to wait for others.  We can find things to do when we wait such as counting people or things or singing the alphabet song.  We practiced our 4 steps to calming down and then brainstormed the things we could count. (listening, respectful behavior, taking turns to answer questions)

Books We Read
Curious George Dinosaur Discovery
Youtube video- Story Bots Stegosaurus
Curious George and the Dinosaur
Stegosaurus, The Friendlisest Dinosaur
Fun Dinosaur Facts

Questions to Ask
What does extinct mean?
How big is the brain of a stegosaurus? (little, size of a nut)
What do dinosaurs eat? (plants and meat)
What does a paleontologist study? (dinosaurs)
What does the stegosaurus do with his spikes on his tail? (protects himself from T-Rex)
Is stegosaurus at meat eater or a plant eater? (plant)
What is the name of our high school helper? (Brie)

Next Week:
More Dinosaurs!

Important Reminders
2/24 Saturday- Superkids Day at LECC
3/4 Send in a shoebox with 5 rocks for our rock unit
3/15-3/22 Spring Break
4/18 Spring Fling

Below are all the pictures showing all the fun we had!

We made fossils with pretend bones.

It was fun to paint using dinosaurs.
Some dinosaurs were heavy and others were light.

Our hippos loved sitting on Kota the dinosaur!

Sorting and weighing dinosaurs.

Each child presented their dinosaur and facts to the class.

We pretended to walk like dinosaurs with these dinosaur feet!

Dinosaur yoga!

We learned about Faith Ringgold during art class.
After listening to one of her stories, we made borders.

Show and Tell

 We made lava rocks out of construction paper.
Each paper had an upper and lowercase letter on it that we scrunched  
into a lava rock. We named the letter and the sound
and looked at the difference between the upper and lowercase letter.

It was fun to play with playdoh, dinosaurs and trees.

Our sensory table contained sand, dinosaurs and eggs.

We placed the boney plates on stegosaurs in numerical order.

After we made our habitat we brought the dinosaurs in and played!

We are paleontologists with our backpacks, water bottles and magnifying glasses.
We are going to discover dinosaur fossils.

Show and Tell

We all worked so hard on this dinosaur puzzle!!

We painted our hands to make our stegosaurus.

We practice writing our names during the week.

We went on a dinosaur hunt in the room.

Dinosaur bingo!

We worked our fine motor skills by using dinosaur stamps and dinosaur stencils.

As a class, we separated pictures according to the the dinosaur habitat
and our habitat.

Show and Tell

We matched the dinosaur skeleton to the correct dinosaur.

After making lava rocks we used the grabbers to 
pick them up!
This is Brie, our high school student who will 
be helping us during center time two days a week
until the end of the year!

Dinosaurs and blocks.

Here is the volcano we made!

Ben's mom came to read a book for Ben's half birthday.

We put dinosaur puzzles together in numerical order.

It was fun to use dot paints to paint a stegosaurus.

We scrunched tissues to make the hot lava.

Who wants the dinosaurs to come back?

Music fun!

Big Room Fun!

Everyone contributed to making the dinosaur habitat!

We have lots of dinosaur books from an area library!

Look at my volcano!

We made the letter A using our pointer finger in shaving cream.